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This Garden Will Thrive

Whether you have a large backyard garden or a balcony with a hanging flower box, this workshop can help bring budding potential to plants and flowers. Create a charmed garden stone to encourage your garden to prosper and enjoy a bountiful salad with Green Goddess Dressing. Our extraordinary ingredient will focus on the magical properties of basil.

The Enchanted Table workshops should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological, or business facts. The workshops are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, we must advise you that The Enchanted Table experience is for Entertainment Purposes Only.

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Attraction Spell Jar

February is a month for attracting things your way. In this workshop, we will be creating Attraction Jars for the upcoming year. Herbs for love, happiness, passion, attraction, and sex will be included.


Witches Broom

Broomsticks have served various magical purposes, with their main use being for clearing away negative energy ahead of a ritual. Broom sweeping a space pushed