Colder weather is upon us…that time of year you are guaranteed to share cooties with everyone in the house.
Supporting your immune system is the best way to combat illnesses, in addition to what we’ve all heard 3,000 times…washing your hands and not touching your face. But the food you eat or the supplements you take plays a big role. If you start to get the sniffles there are a few things you can do. [shameless plug incoming] You can purchase the Feel Better Tea from Botanical Brews, available for sale at all Enchanted Table events. This tea is a combination of herbs and fruit that will charge your immune system while offering anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial properties to help fight off a common illness.

Or, if you do not have the tea on hand, you can do your own quick brew of hot water, a little honey for sweetness, a slice of lemon and an 1/8 t. of ginger. I would not recommend more than three 8 ounce cups of this a day. Ginger is a warming herb… too much could have you sitting on a throne for a while. 😊
Other things to keep in mind: Drink lots of water and reduce or remove dairy from your diet. Dairy will increase the mucus that is created by an illness and make your head seem more stuffy. Take vitamin C… not those fast packs that dissolve in water. Those contain a good amount of added sugar, which counter-acts the properties of vitamin C.