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meet the team

Meet Carla, Your Kitchen Witch!

Carla has had an interest in the witch path for as long as she can remember. Both of her grandmothers taught her Stregheria, Italian Folk Magic. When she was a child they taught her how to focus her intentions, incantations, and small spells. Nature, the seasons and elements, and the night sky have always felt like a natural way for Carla to guide herself throughout her life. She stumbled into Kitchen Witchery without realizing for a bit that this is what she was practicing. She just knew it felt comfortable and started exploring and researching its attributes. Once she learned more about being a Kitchen Witch, she was hooked. 

Meet Bethany, Your Kitchen Bitch!

Bethany is a life-long entertainer, event planner, event haver, event goer and event enjoyer. Her day job is Public Relations and Creative Communications, and she will make sure that your Enchanted Table experience has the perfect level of fun! Your enjoyment is her mission.

Meet Jenifer, Herbalist

Jen’s interest in herbal remedies started in childhood. Her grandmother and mother would guide her to soothe physical ailments naturally. Biting on a clove for a sore tooth was her first experience that naturally occurring plants and herbs can provide healing to the body. Over the years she has collected knowledge and recipes to help fight off illness. Recently, she has started sharing her creations of infusions, tinctures, ointments, and poultices to find a remedy that works for you.